jueves, 20 de abril de 2023

Life-Changing Events

 Hello, good morning. Today we are going to talk about a surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack and how do I solve it and deal with it so she can live a better life.

                                    She born in Hawái so she was a very fan of waves or surfing.

Bethany Meilani Hamilton is a surfer, especially known as a survivor of a shark attack, in which she lost her left arm at the age of 13, and for successfully overcoming that serious injury, to the point to returning to surfing and winning several competitions.

She spent a month    recovering and returned  to the water for the first time 30 days after the attack. Thinking about it now is a bit strong, but he knew how to restablish himself in daily life, and resisting those changes, at least in his case. After the attack, her life was full of fears but she managed to overcome them, now she is a great surfer of a high level. 

David Bayer was born on September 27, 1922, to Manes and Sarah Bayer in Kozienice, Poland. Manes owned a shoe factory which supplied stores throughout Poland, and Sarah managed the household and helped in the factory. The second of four children in an observant Jewish family, David spent his days going to school, playing sports and working in his father’s factory.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Remembering the best of cinema.

                                                                                                                        A Christmas Carol

Hello today were going to talk about a movie´s name A Christmas Carol we hope you have a nice day.

It is a very good film     and we recommend it.

The turning point of A Christmas Carol is not, of course, Scrooge's conversion, but the moment when he sees that the name on the tombstone in the terrible, neglected graveyard is his own. One can surely use a simple principle to see the difference: a novella is a work short enough to be read comfortably in a single sitting. Some, like Thackeray staying up all night to finish Jane Eyre, may swallow longer narratives whole, but a novella is designed to be read in this way. The reader of A christmas Carol is hurried on like Scrooge in the hands of those visitors. Again the Ghost sped on, above the black and heaving sea. ‘‘ The narrative has a kind of momentum that a full-length novel cannot have and that Scrooge cannot resist. Reasoning that his vision of Marley's ghost might be caused by some stomach disorder, he tells the apparition, ‘‘There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!‘‘ But the grave –his grave  is where he is headed, irresistibly.

How do we celebrate 15 and 13 years?

Hello welcome to this blog, today we going to talk about the celebration of a girl's 15th birthday and Bar Mitzvah so sometimes we remember the traditions of another place or country.

Girl's 15th Birthday

A girl's 15th birthday is a marking passage from girlhood to womanhood, the term is also used for the celebrant herself. this is a turning point of a girl because after the party can we said that is more responsable. 

Bar Mitzhav

Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish religious maturity celebration, the Catholic equivalent of Confirmation, that occurs when children turn 13 years old. It is a very important day for the Jews.

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2023

Turning Points

 Turning Points

hello, good afternoon. what you are going to see now is part of a Turning points project As I was saying, what you have to know is that what happens to you in life is part of the turning points.

What are Turning Points in peoples' lives? 
Turning points are the important situations and/or events that change the way of living of certain people 

Life-Changing Events

  Hello, good morning. Today we are going to talk about a surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack and how do I solve it and deal with it...